Incremental Principle

Abhishek Dayal

 In the realm of managerial economics, the incremental principle stands tall as a guiding light for decision-makers. Also known as the principle of marginal analysis, it's a simple yet powerful concept that drives rational decision-making by focusing on the incremental changes in costs and benefits associated with a decision. In this article, we'll explore the incremental principle, its significance, and its application in real-world scenarios.

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Understanding the Incremental Principle

At its core, the incremental principle suggests that decisions should be made by comparing the additional benefits gained from an action with the additional costs incurred. In other words, it prompts decision-makers to assess the marginal benefits and marginal costs of a decision, ensuring that the benefits outweigh the costs.

How Incremental Principle Works

Imagine a scenario where a business is contemplating whether to produce one more unit of a product. The incremental principle would guide this decision by evaluating the additional revenue generated from selling that additional unit against the extra cost of producing it.

If the marginal revenue exceeds the marginal cost, producing the additional unit would increase profits. However, if the marginal cost outweighs the marginal revenue, it would be economically wise to refrain from producing the extra unit.

Real-World Application of Incremental Principle

Let's consider a few examples to illustrate the application of the incremental principle in various business contexts:

Real-World Application of Incremental Principle by Study Terrain
Real-World Application of Incremental Principle by Study Terrain


A car manufacturer is deciding whether to increase production by producing one more car. By analyzing the marginal cost of producing the additional car and comparing it with the marginal revenue from selling it, the company can determine whether the decision would be profitable.


A software company is considering investing in an additional marketing campaign. By evaluating the incremental increase in sales resulting from the campaign against the additional marketing costs, the company can decide whether the investment is justified.


A retail store is contemplating offering a discount on a product. By comparing the marginal increase in sales due to the discount with the marginal reduction in profit per unit sold, the store can determine whether the discount would lead to higher overall profits.

Importance of the Incremental Principle

The incremental principle is invaluable for several reasons:

Importance of the Incremental Principle by Study Terrain
Importance of the Incremental Principle by Study Terrain


It helps businesses allocate resources efficiently by focusing on activities that yield the highest return relative to their cost.

Profit Maximization

By analyzing marginal costs and benefits, businesses can maximize their profits and optimize their operations.

Risk Management

It allows businesses to assess the risks associated with decisions by considering the potential impacts of incremental changes.


Decision-makers can adjust their strategies dynamically based on changing market conditions and new information.


In a world where resources are limited and choices are abundant, the incremental principle serves as a beacon of rationality for decision-makers. By evaluating decisions based on incremental changes in costs and benefits, businesses can make informed choices that lead to increased efficiency, profitability, and sustainability. Embracing the incremental principle isn't just about making better decisions—it's about making smarter decisions, one step at a time.

For more content visit Managerial Economics


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