Sample Size Constraints, Non Response

Abhishek Dayal

Sample Size Constraints:

Sample size constraints refer to the limitations or restrictions placed on the number of participants or observations included in a research study or survey. These constraints may arise due to various factors, such as budgetary limitations, time constraints, availability of resources, or practical considerations.

Sample size is an important aspect of research design as it affects the statistical power and precision of the study. A larger sample size generally provides more reliable and generalizable results, whereas a smaller sample size may limit the validity and generalizability of the findings. However, researchers often have to work within certain constraints and determine an appropriate sample size that balances the available resources and the research objectives.


Non-response refers to the failure of selected individuals or units to participate or provide complete information in a research study or survey. It occurs when individuals or units that were initially selected as part of the sample do not respond or provide incomplete responses to the survey or data collection efforts.

Non-response can arise due to various reasons, such as lack of interest, unwillingness to participate, time constraints, privacy concerns, or inaccessibility of the selected individuals. Non-response can introduce bias in the data and affect the representativeness and generalizability of the findings.

Researchers employ various strategies to minimize non-response, such as using reminder techniques, offering incentives, ensuring confidentiality and privacy, and employing appropriate follow-up procedures. Additionally, statistical techniques, such as weighting and imputation, can be applied to address the potential bias introduced by non-response.


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